"No such thing as sex-based rights" squeak the TRAs and assorted dim 'allies'. Well, misogyny is entirely sex-based. How do you suggest we fight misogyny if we're not permitted to mention what its based on?
Patriarchy and its rigid 'rules' about the 'natural roles' of men and women is a hierarchy based entirely on sex, even if you don't fit its strictures. You are still treated (or punished) as part of it.
Males and females, including non conforming ones, are still treated within patriarchy according to the axis of their sex. Gender nonconforming males are not treated (or punished) in the same way as women. Gender nonconforming women are not treated (or punished) the same as men.
This isn't to say that anyone has it 'easier' necessarily. (Men being jailed/executed for homosexuality, for instance). But that the punishments are usually wholly different. And they're different because within that structure, people are judged solely on their SEX.
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