[Extensive - Thread]

Things you should know about the #Shirazi sect and its family.

'Sadeq's home was used as a den for SAVAK members.'
For an initial start, I refer you to my older thread where I discussed on how the dispersion of Islam (shia) is in favor of the West and used as a tool to further weaken the community. https://twitter.com/XZresistance/status/1349759746539196416?s=20
Before we begin, everything in this thread is backed with sources and evidence. I stay neutral while writing this thread only pointing out the facts and the obvious. The Almighty God (swt) gave the humans a brain, so use it.

We'll start from the very beginning.
Seyyed Sadegh Shirazi, is the name of one of the nobles of Karbala who was born in Iraq. At the age of 10 without having enough religious teachings, he dressed as a clergyman. The father of Sadegh was called Ayatollah Seyyed Mehdi Hosseini Shirazi.
After the death Mehdi Shirazi, the eldest son (brother of Sadiq), Seyyed Mohammad Shirazi, carelessly accepted the position of ijtihad at the age of about 30. This claim of authority was made while his professors, including Ayatollah Sheikh Yousef Khorasani Haeri stated that:
"Sayyid Muhammad Shirazi is definitely not a mujtahid and it is not permissible to imitate/follow him."

This rejection of his authority and scientific competence was also announced by Grand Ayatollah Khoei, the great seminary of Najaf, and Ayatollah Seyyed Mahmoud Shahroudi.
Ayatollah Mohammad Shirazi, even though he had problems from the very beginning of the introduction of Imam Khomeini as the funeral leader, welcomed him when the Imam arrived in Karbala & offered the Imam to for congregational prayers in his place in the courtyard of Imam Hussein
The Shirazis left Iraq and established themselves in Kuwait, while cutting ties with the Imam before leaving Iraq. After their depart, his friends and supporters launched attacks against the Imam (Khomeini) and began to slander and make false accusations against him.
Mr. Mohtashami and Mr. Ferdowsipour, who went to Kuwait for lectures and other matters, quoted that  Mr. Shirazi's house was a hangout for SAVAK agents.

Ayatollah Khatam Yazdi, a member of the Imam's office in Najaf and a member of the Qom Seminary Teachers Association, writes..
Ayatollah Khatam Yazdi in his memoirs: "Shirazi is the hangout of SAVAK agents in Iran, and he [shirazi] himself advises us to stop fighting against the Shah and not to speak against the regime ...".
Seyyed Hassan Shirazi (Sadigh's late brother) left Iraq and went to Syria, due to the ba'ath regime. (Memoirs of Fatemeh Tabatabai, p. 292)

There he established the seminary of Zeinabia. He expanded his activities and had good relations with Imam Musa Sadr.
Martyr Chamran spoke of the cordial relationship that existed between Seyyed Hassan Shirazi and Imam Musa Sadr. He had introduced Seyyed Hassan Shirazi as an old friend of Seyyed Musa Sadr. (Memoirs of Sadegh Tabatabai, p. 315)
The relations between the two Sayyids, however, did not remain good and became dark. The dispute between the two reached a point where Imam Khomeini forbade the payment of the Imam's share to the scholars and students of Hassan Shirazi due to his collaboration with SAVAK.
Martyr Chamran also complained about Seyyed Shirazi in his later letters.

Hassan Shirazi was shot dead by two motorcyclists on May 4, 1959. Later to be found that Saddam had personally ordered the assassination.
After his martyrdom, Imam Khomeini wrote a message of condolence for Seyyed Mohammad Shirazi, despite of the hatred of the other Shirazis towards himself.

(Sahifa Imam, vol. 12, p. 273)
After the victory of the revolution in Iran, the Shirazi family all came to Iran and Seyyed Mohammad Shirazi continued his authority in Qom freely.
During the years of the imposed war, Muhammad Shirazi, who himself had fled Iraq to Kuwait during the Ba'ath party and whose brother Sayyid Hassan Shirazi was martyred by the Iraqi Ba'athists in Syria, issued a fatwa sanctifying the war, calling it fratricide.
This fatwa, although apparently issued out of respect for fratricide; But in fact, in those circumstances, it was considered as a kind of cooperation with Saddam and supporting the aggressor and weakening the oppressed front of the Iranian nation.
It was actually in favor of the Ba'athist regime in Iraq, during which he and other members of the Shirazi family did not speak out against Saddam.
Seyed Mohammad Shirazi passed away in 2001. Although with his departure, the Leader issued a message to the Ayatollah praising him for his services and a place was prepared in the shrine of Imam Masoumeh (AS) for his burial.
Seyyed Sadegh took authority in his hands. The conversion of Seyyed Sadegh to the Grand Ayatollah in 2001 was accompanied by a sharp expansion of the media space and fundamental changes in the process of information and communication in Iran
Now, the interesting note is that the Shirazis launched 13 satellite channels.

Imam Hussein 1, 2 and 3; Marja'it, Fadak, Salam, Roghayeh, Abolfazl Al-Abbas, Al-Anwar, Khadijeh, Al-Zahra , Al-Mahdi, etc...
In the days of Muharram, by propagating the most heinous issues called Husseini rites, which made the people of the world, that did not know about shiism, scared of the Shiites. By hiding in a religious appearance.
These are Pagan rituals that have no association with shia islam.
The point to consider is where the finance of the construction, operation and management of these networks come from?
Surely 13 channels have to be financed somehow... Such organisations are mostly sponsored by governments due to its high expenses with no promotional/ad program
Mr. Hedayati, the director of Salam Network: "The costs of one of our networks is 95,000 dollars/month minimum.
$75,000 is for the broadcast studio and $20,000 for the production of the program, which is very small compared to other satellite networks."
Mohammad Hedayati has a complete connection with the Shirazis and is active in political issues against the Islamic Republic. He has interviewed VOA and has repeatedly defended the beheading and accused the Islamic Republic of dictatorship.
Among his activities, he's managing the counter-revolutionary site of Rassam - the traditional clerics of contemporary Iran. Currently runs a group called the International Headquarters for the Bowing of Husseini Rituals, most of what he builds are scenes of beatings or injuries.
One of the scholars who was separated from them due to their wrongdoings is Ayatollah Hosseini Qazvini. He first warned the "Salam" network that he would not cooperate with the regime officials if he defended the beheading and insulted them.
In 2009, with the height of the sedition of 1988 and the movements of this network, he refused to cooperate with the "Salam" network and established the "Velayat" ( @velayattvfarsi) network. They regularly invite shirazi scholars for debate but they never accept to debate!
When a non-shia searches "shia" on google, one of the first results are the beheadings 'tatbir'. Put yourself in their shoe, wouldn't that scare you away from the shia religion?
Dr. Tijani in the book "The Key to the Problems" writes about the role of the British intelligence service in creating divisions and superstitions in the Shiite religion.
... The swords that the Shiites used to raise against the oppressors are now being used to strike their heads. "So much so that the British distributed large quantities of swords among the mourning processions in Karbala."
In 1988, he defended the seditionists and severely attacked the holy system of the Islamic Republic in a video. Of course, the history of his and his family's attacks on the IR at the beginning of Imam Khomeini's revolution is well known between the revolutions.
In 13 February 2010 (28 Safar 1431), in Qom, Ayatollah Seyyed Sadegh Shirazi, in his speech, used inappropriate words to insult the leadership of the Islamic system.
Imam Khomeini on the need for the clergy to pay more attention to religious and political issues and warn of the dangers of this class in case of deviation, says:
"Explaining the harm of having even one cleric who is in the line of American Islam", he says: "God Almighty knows that I am so strong towards corrupt clerics that I am not against other people. Savaki is more respectable to me than a corrupt cleric."
Mohammad Shirazi died at the old age of 75 due to illness. Shirazis, &some close to him, consider the death suspicious. The narratives that have been mentioned about his death all seem to be in serious contradiction with each other & its fabrication in the minds of every audience
Yasser Habib whom we have spoken about once already, manages one of the networks under the support of Ayatollah Seyyed Sadegh Shirazi, namely 'Fadak' network, but does not neglect the significant and prominent presence in other chain networks of this intellectual spectrum.
It was only three years after the establishment of the "Khaddam al-Mahdi delegation" in Kuwait that the extremists, Yasser al-Habib, got arrested by the Kuwaiti officials and was sent to prison.
Interesting part here is that It quickly became the target of human rights organizations in Britain and the US. The Brits demanded the authorities to release him immediately and payed a good amount.
It's been common for Shirazi followers to deny his relation with Sadiq Shirazi. However even at those times, Sadiq himself gave permission to Yasser habib to continue his actions, it's not a secret.
He publishes a newspaper called "shianewspaper", launches the "Imam Askari" seminary in London, establishes the "Fadak" satellite network with the support of Ayatollah Seyyed Sadegh Shirazi, and in 2010 places its delegation in London as a Husseiniya
After Yasser insulted the wife of the Prophet, Sheikh Abdul Aziz, Mufti of Saudi Arabia said: "Our informants in the Arab countries informed me that many Sunnis who had become Shiites, especially in N-Africa, after what Yasser al-Habib said, said that Shiism is a false religion"
== Taking a break, I'll continue this thread a bit later ==
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