One final thing re. Marilyn Manson and the wider debate around how great art is sometimes made by shitty people, as it's a debate that's been raging in my head since about 1993 when Michael Jackson was first accused of what he, in all probability, probably did.
Here's the thing. History is full of questionable people. Rapists, domestic abusers, child molesters, racists, homophobics, transphobics, and general dickvalves who should never, ever be someone you aspire to be like or to support their terrible behaviour.
But here's the other thing. These people sometimes make great things happen and those things can be independent of their actions, even if those actions were ENABLED by the art, the art itself stands alone. History has shown that lots of artists leave a legacy in spite of actions.
If I say, "No, I won't listen to [____]" anymore, then also throw out Lewis Caroll, JM Barrie, Francis Bacon, Caravaggio, Phil Spector, Bertolt Brecht, Graham Linehan, Chuck Berry, John Peel, James Brown, JK Rowling, Steve Tyler, John Lennon, Ian Dury... the list goes on.
When an artist is accused of (or publicly does) something and it's either proven beyond any doubt or is incredibly likely to be true, that doesn't mean we have to stop enjoying their art. People can be utterly reprehensible but still capable of being great at what they do.
I suggest two things.

1. Don't support them. Don't give them your money. Don't buy anything new. But if the old stuff means something to you, let it still mean what it always did to you. Otherwise, in one sense, you're hurting yourself, rather than the artist.*
* (Just a side note to say that such hurt is NOTHING compared to the hurt that the artist may have caused, so don't @ me to tell me I'm remotely suggesting that. I just don't believe your happy memories should be lost or the artist in question and their crimes 'win' again.)
2. Don't put their work in a public place. Making a Spotify playlist to share with others? Putting on some music when you have guests round, or have a house party (remember those?) or are DJ-ing?

Leave them out of it. Completely.
However you come to terms with things, it is always worth remembering that you may be exposing someone who has suffered in a similar way to the artist's victims. Don't be the cause of someone having to bring that shit to the surface, be it physical, sexual or verbal of ANY KIND.
I realise this kind of goes against what I was saying about not letting the artist and their crimes 'win', but you have to put the feelings of others first.
Now, all of this means you probably won't rush to pull an album out for a spin made by an abuser, or read that novel by that transphobic author, or look at those paintings by that racist etc.

But DO enjoy the art when it comes to you. It's all you have left.
There's no reason why your own happy memories, and how transformative a person's art may have been to you, should be tainted by their actions. Separate the individual from what they've done, be it a racist rant on Twitter, donating money to anti-trans causes, or abusing people...
...or any of the other various shitty and terrible acts that get people 'cancelled' in 2021 and beyond.

Feel free to enjoy the art in the comfort of your own home, and the freedom of your own headspace. Just remember to not give the INDIVIDUAL your support.
And wherever possible... use the time and money and energy saved from doing so on finding new voices to encourage. Because there's a whole shit-ton of artists out there who need your attention, and they just might make you forget about that other loser anyway.
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