I have worn hijab for 18 years. Although it has been tough, the islamophobia, the profiling while traveling, feeling like a museum monument when going on European trips, being vilified in public due to the volatile nature of politics & policy
Being made to feel like I wasn’t beautiful in some instances, being seen as a little weird in college, being seen as an outsider within work culture, judged for your beliefs before you open your mouth or anyone has any knowledge of what you really think. It isn’t for everyone.
But the human it has carved me into, is pretty impenetrable. When I walk into a room now, I like being different. I support every belief I have with my chest. I know how to articulate myself in a room filled with scary industry leaders. I pay close attention to my character
I know what it is like to not fit in. And so naturally, I don’t feel the need to surround myself for validation. It makes you thick skinned. You’re naturally always a minority in a room, and so naturally you build yourself up to be resilient. Always on fight or flight mode.
You learn how to generate wit in response to micro aggressions at work. You learn how to formulate your own kind of beautiful, you identify other people in the room who stray from shackles of societal norms and find a bit of home in them.
You know that if you have a fighting chance in any field you decide to pursue you must build your brain. To know a little bit more than your peers. You have to dig ur for your seat in any room. Deal with other peoples projections on to you, and give them the benefit of the doubt.
Anything you decide to wear, dowdy or glamorous will come under extreme scrutiny- sometimes by Muslim counter parts or non Muslim peers. When something springs up in the news we are the first on the front lines to feel it in the public.
Some Muslim men don’t place value & respect for the women who are trying, when it comes to hijab. We learned to celebrate ourselves. It is my crown. Although It has been a test to me for many reasons. I look back, & take pleasure in a struggle for the sake of Allah.
Muslim women who wear hijab are not cut from the same cloth. You are special. I celebrate all of you. Striving. Every day. This isn’t for everyone. I celebrate all women & all Muslim women. But today - this one is for the ones who adorn themselves in the pursuit of Allahs light.
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