So I took a look at why Katie Porter got bumped from the Financial Services Committee, based on the makeup of the committee and the legislative output in the last Congress. It's very clear she was singled out and Maxine Waters is to blame. (1/)
First of all, Waters shrunk the committee from 60 to 54 members, creating the conditions for someone to be bumped.
Even with that, 4 committee Democrats lost or didn't run for re-election, another got 4 separate committee assignments, and another traded Financial Services for Appropriations. So there would be room.
Despite this, only Porter sought a slot, wasn't on another exclusive committee, and didn't get it. She had two other committees, yes, but so do 6 other members of Financial Services, who got waivers without a problem.
Meanwhile there are 4 members of the committee who are chairs of other committees. That's a time-consuming job! Almost everyone on the committee has another committee assignment.
In addition, Waters repeatedly admonished Porter for her conduct in hearings. And unbelievably, Porter didn't get a single bill through the committee in her time there. Clearly she wasn't allowed to be effective.
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