Why is helenio Herrera is underrated | A thread |
In this thread I’m going to talk about his achievements In his managerial career ( especially inter ) and his revolutionary tactics that has inspired modern and Italian football forever
Let’s start with silverware
⁃4 la ligas 🏆
⁃2 copa de rey 🏆
⁃1 copa Duarte
⁃2 inner cities cup
⁃3 scudettos 🏆
⁃2 European cups 🏆
⁃2 intercontinental cups 🏆
⁃1 Coppa Italia 🏆
As you can see he’s a serial winner and his peak was at Inter Milán
In 1,135 official games as manager in club football he has
Won : 585 games
Drawn : 251 games
Lost : 299
51.5 % win rate which is impressive
To succeed in his teams these were the four necessary things
⁃always show some class
⁃Serious preparation
⁃Peak athleticism
⁃And intelligence
He was a very strict manager , He banned smoking and consumption of Alcohol and he constantly pushed the players to limit
When English forward Gerry Hitchens left the club, he said it felt like “coming out of the bloody army”. Slackness rarely went unpunished
That’s how ruthless helenio was in his training sessions
Now let’s get into his famous Catenaccio system
What it is the meaning of Catenaccio? In Italian, catenaccio means "door-bolt", which implies a highly organized and effective backline defence focused on nullifying opponents' attacks and preventing goal-scoring opportunities.
The origins of this system comes from Swiss manager Karl Rappan 5-3-2, but Helenio made some modifications to make it unique , he made Picchi who had excellent passing range his sweeper and front of him was a “ front four “ that were very well drilled defensively
I don’t got any solid footage but in this photo it explains how the system , worked Facchetti often stormed up the pitch as a left wingback Bungrich usually tucked in and Jair often dropped into the position bungrich was to cover him
Assume that the blue team were playing a high line and player 2 ( blue ) already passed it to the wingback/fullback
For being labeled a “ joyless coach “ Herrera inter finished 3 times as the highest goal scoring team of serie a during is tenure which is very impressive the way they played
His most successful influences right now are , Jose , Conte and Simeone all of these coaches have/ had teams with a very compact defense and very deadly on counter-attacks |
The first task is to get to know the players really well-watching them as individuals in training and in match play-to see what is good in their natural game. Then, and only then, can we begin to outline the general tactics.
- Helenio Herrera
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