When y'all inevitably talk about Harriet Tubman this month, let's not leave out the fact that she was disabled.
And if anyone questions you about it, ask them what they think having regular seizures as a result of head trauma that cause you to lose consciousness for any amount of time with no warning is.
Also please don't do that weird inspiration thing y'all do with disabled people. She was amazing because of her achievements, not because she achieved it "in spite" of being disabled. Disabled people have done plenty of amazing things in history but either we're erased.
Remember that she was an enslaved woman. She didn't have very many options.
Don't get in my comments on the goofy bullshit. I don't care if you don't consider her disabled because you're uncomfortable with disability. The woman literally had seizures.
Muting this bc I just woke up from a long ass nap to say too many notifications but I'm really glad to have helped inform some of y'all.

Since it's Black history month, look into Black Disabled historical figures. It's not the easiest research due to you know... Ableism.
(also bc I seen this, it isn't clear from the research I did if harriet was JUST narcoleptic or JUST epileptic bc it's definitely possible to be both. I'm open to being wrong on the specific dx she had but both are still disabilities 🙂)
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