A good thread. https://twitter.com/Doc_0/status/1356221782559256579
"The hysteria of the past year is the unsurprising result of a REAL crisis descending upon people conditioned to collapse into nervous heaps and scream for Mommy Government over countless imaginary, exaggerated, and minuscule "crises." We were ALREADY in constant panic."
"Hysteria is really all about losing the ability to evaluate risk and measure costs against benefits. Hysterics see inevitable doom in tiny risks and demand safety at all costs. "If it saves just one life..." is an idiotic slogan deployed by socialists YEARS before the pandemic."
"The hysteria of 2020 is what happens when a society deliberately bred and trained to become a panicked herd, kept in a constant state of terror and grievance by political opportunists, gets hit by a genuine crisis. No one remembers how to evaluate risk and cost rationally."
Anyway, GOOD THREAD. Read the whole thing.
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