Are you letting the Devil control you unknowingly?

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In 'Outwitting the Devil' by Napoleon Hill the devil is not described as a creature with horns and a pitchfork...

He is described as all the negative in life.

Just as an atom needs a proton AND an electron... There is no world without the Devil.
There are several tricks that the Devil uses to control humans:

- Drifting
- Hypnotic Rhythm
- Fear
- Lack of individual thought
On the contrary, there are 7 principles that will help you attain spiritual, mental, and physical freedom from the Devil.

1. Definiteness of Purpose
2. Mastery over self
3. Learning from adversity
4. Controlling Environmental Influence
5. Time
6. Harmony
7. Caution
1. Definiteness of Purpose

"Once any person learns the power of his own thoughts, he becomes positive and difficult to subdue."

Definiteness of purpose is setting a specific goal, or set of goals that will enhance your vision, and should agree with how you define success.
2. Mastery over self

"The person who is not master of himself can never be master of others."

Master these three appetites and you are one step closer to being unstoppable.

- The desire for food
- The desire for sex
- The desire to express loosely organized opinions
3. Learning from adversity

"Few people know that every adversity brings with it the seed of an equivalent advantage. Still fewer people know the difference between temporary defeat and failure."

Failure can often be disguised as a blessing, and can break hypnotic rhythm.
4. Controlling Environmental Influence

"All people absorb and take over, either consciously or unconsciously, the thought-habits of those with whom they associate closely."

Have you ever felt like someone's "energy" is bringing you down?

Our environment is our outlook on life.
5. Time

"The lapse of time required to give permanency to thought-habits depends upon the object and the nature of the thoughts."

All of our thought habits are divided into two classes

- Positive
- Negative

Time will convert all thought habits into permanency during our life.
6. Harmony

"...Nature forces everything within the range of a given environment to become harmoniously related."

To escape a bad situation, you must change your environment.

The law of nature does not allow the escape of influences while maintaining the same environment.
7. Caution

"People drift into all sorts of hazardous circumstances because they do not exercise caution by planning the moves they make."

If you do not think before you act you may find yourself in a worse situation than before.


- Work
- Marriage
- School
By following these 7 principles you can attain spiritual, mental, and physical freedom from the Devil.

Now think back to yourself...

Are you letting the Devil unconsciously control you?
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