From a neuropolitical perspective , I agree that potential ‘superhumanization’ of Taiwan can actually lead to cognitive dissociation and apathy (“Taiwan’s so special that we have nothing humanly in common with them”) esp. by Western societies. 1/8
For example, Taiwan made many mistakes in 2003 SARS handling (lockdown of Heping hospital, lack of transparency&public communication etc), from which it learned for 2020. People are human here, they messed up badly and learned. 2/
Superhumanizing Taiwan also prevents historical comparisons and appreciation of hard-earned progress: To me, as a German, Taiwan’s transition from authoritarianism and conservatism to the liberal democracy (in-progress) that it is today actually has parallels to 20th c Germany.3/
But of course you won’t make this comparison if you elevate Taiwan on some civilizationary hierarchy (research shows the negative effects). Rather, we need to humanize Taiwan’s struggles and make them neuropolitically relatable to Western ones. 4/
It’s important because the possibility of changing ethnonationalist and racist narratives is exactly what the CCP does not want you to believe is possible: the authoritarian brain thrives on fatalism, fear of change& diversity and cognitive closure. 6/
As much as its united behind Covid, Taiwan’s a deeply divided society both politically&socially. But the fact that they have achieved so much&that the struggle continues is a testament of what our #VulnerableBrains are capable of, and that liberal democracy is possible in Asia.7/
This humanizing picture of Taiwan as complex, conflicted and yet being able to strive for liberal ideals is what authoritarian leaders are worried about. This is how Taiwan and Taiwanese need to be portrayed in Western media. 8/8
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