5 Practical Financial Habits

How to Save Money:

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1. Stop Spending Money🛑

It seems simple but, each week choose three days to not spend money.

This does not mean delay your spending. It means, stop spending.

You do not need what you think you need in that moment.

If you don't think about it after 72 hours it won't matter.⏱
2. Cut Out Unnecessary Cost🔪

The 4 days you are spending money, lower your costs.

You do not need that $4 dollar coffee, or that $7 dollar meal.

As convenient as those things are they add up over time.

It is fiscally conscious to use your time to save money. 🧠
3. Create a Budget📈

Using a simple budgeting chart, you can change your life

Visualizing what you spend your money helps tremendously when trying to save it

You have to know the ins and outs about your money.

This is a simple example of what a budgeting chart looks like👇🏼
4. Never Spend On Credit💳

I know about credit card "hacks" those don't work unless you have money.

Gaining interest on money you don't have doesn't sit right with me.

Only spend money you have.

Spending money you don't have is detrimental to your financial future.🏦
5. Invest Your Money 💵

I won't give you investing advice but

Think about it how are you supposed to make money, if it's just sitting in one place?

Investing your money is the only way to know that your money makes you money.

Money at rest is useless, Money works quickly.🏎
I wish you all can apply these easy tips into your daily life.

As always i appreciate a Retweet, Thanks for the read! I hope you enjoyed!

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