Ryan Samsel is alleged to have committed three serious felony offenses, totalling up to 33 years in prison.
Samsel was, according to the complaint, one of the first people to engage with the police barricade, and quickly became violent.
The video of him shoving a female cop so hard that she fell and hit her head and blacked out is weird for a lot of reasons, but one of the reasons is that Samsel apparently stops for a minute to turn his MAGA hat backwards.
Why is this relevant? Because a few days prior to the event, right wing figures were inventing out of thin air a myth, which they had used before, that "antifa" would be present and would identify themselves by backward MAGA hats. https://twitter.com/nickmartin/status/1345352965540835329?s=20
Several MAGA folks have pointed to this video as "proof" that the violence was started by antifa.

Unfortunately for them, Samsel was identified and arrested. And no, he is not antifa.
MAGA chuds have been trying to manufacture from thin air any narrative that exonerates them and frames themselves as victims, not aggressors.

Like everything else in their stack of lies, this too has fallen apart.
Anyhow, the FBI has some people investigating this now who do not mess around.
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