I'd reply to this comment directly, but I can't so here we go (thread):

Not sure where this person is looking, because the people I follow on Twitter supporting #loveisnottourism are highlighting the injustice of separating loved ones for an undetermined time.

1/ https://twitter.com/JustRaime/status/1356057172052852741
2/"A: Claim they will commit suicide."

Reality is there are instances of suicide in the community as a result of the travel ban. In Norway, a girl lost her partner in Brazil. Others express grief and sadness, many struggle with depression, anxiety and a diminishing will to live.
3/ During a life crisis, it's very important to have your loved ones as support. A video call cannot replace the comfort of a hug from a loved one, for those days where there are no words.
4/ "Denying the virus exist"
I don't have many of these people in my feed either, so not sure where you get this from? Sure, there are a few occasionally, but they are everywhere and do not dominate the LINT-community. Which takes me to:
5/ "make excuses instead of solutions"
Since the start of the pandemic, LINT has asked for SAFE reunions: testing before and after travel, wearing masks and taking extra hygiene precautions during travel, and quarantine together with your partner.
6/Several countries allow reunions for spouses, but not for unmarried couples. What about all the couples who are trying to get married? Many have asked for ways to reunite to get married, but no solution is given by the governments - only more requirements.
7/Did the govts. forget how relationships work? One has to be together to get engaged/married.

In many countries, there are other exceptions to the rules. Why can countries find solutions for workers, athletes, and celebrities to safely enter the country, but not for families?
8/Also, it's 10+ months in the pandemic. How can so many countries still struggle with getting their people to safely arrive? Looking at Australia, who has left many of their citizens and residents stranded. #strandedaustralians
9/"behave in a toxic manner to others"
Of course this is not okay, and people should generally not support toxic behavior. It's worth noting many in LINT-community have not seen a glimmer of hope since the start of the pandemic, and desperation doesn't help. We should all be kind
10/ and sympathetic to each other. That goes for people outside of LINT too, many of who are very unsympathetic while they have their loved ones with them. They don't (and won't) understand hopelessness, desperation, and depression LINT is experiencing for an undetermined time.
11/ finally - I ask the same of the governments: seriously guys? It's 10+ months in, and you can't find a good way to reunite loved ones, despite our suggestions?

One day, LOVE - not only money, fame, and a paper saying "marriage certificate" - will win.
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