This weekend I finally got to release my side-project I've been working on for the past couple of months. Here's a little thread about what I've learned working full-stack for the first time.

My stack for this was @vercel's Next.js for the frontend and @prisma for my backend. Both parts are hosted on Vercel which has been a pleasure to work with.
The hardest thing was finding a way to not spend a fortune on a Database. I tried @heroku for a while, but their free tier was just too limited and I didn't want to spend 10$+ a month for something I was testing out.
If you're looking for a way to start a project without spending anything before making some profits, going serverless + self hosted database is the best way I've found.

You're in control of your data and open to scaling to another platform whenever you want!
@prisma Is also absolutely fantastic, when I started I knew literally zero SQL beyond the basics of SELECT *, but Prisma allowed me to have a solid foundation I could test and build things upon without worrying.
That said, I've realised SQL is actually not as hard as every single tutorial seems to make it. I had the luck to be helped by someone that writes SQL professionally and his best advice was:

Stop trying to do everything in a single query.
Before and after.

Yes it's a lot wordier, but it made it a lot easier to test and maintain. I'm not an expert in any way but separating my Joins allowed me to actually understand what I was doing.
On the frontend side of things my main problem was that I:

- Wanted users to be able to submit pages and making them accessible immediately
- Have them SSR for search engines
- But without having to run a server
I suspect I might need to scale this to something different in the future, or by returning only things created after a certain time, but it works for now!
In general this was a really cool experience, I'm glad I stepped outside of my frontend comfort zone and gave the fullstack experience a shot.
You can find the final (beta) result here. It's Minecraft-related so I doubt it'll of much interest to many, but I'm still very proud of how it came out. 
You can follow @creativiii.
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