#tdih 1960, four African-American NC A&T students began a sit-in (planned at Bennett College) at a Woolworth’s lunch counter in Greensboro. While not first sit-in of modern CRM, it triggered wave of direct action U.S. and founding of SNCC. https://www.zinnedproject.org/news/tdih/greensboro-sit-in/
"The Greensboro sit-ins inspired mass movement across the South. By April 1960, 70 southern cities had sit-ins of their own. Direct-action sit-ins made public what Jim Crow wanted to hide – Black resistance to segregation." via @snccdigital ⬇️ https://snccdigital.org/events/sit-ins-greensboro/
Read about earlier sit-ins: 1943 with Pauli Murray and other @HowardU students; 1958 with high school teacher Clara Luper & NAACP Youth Council in Oklahoma; 1958 with students Ron Walters and members of the @NAACP Youth Council in Wichita, Kansas, & more. https://www.zinnedproject.org/news/tdih/katz-drugstore-sit-ins/
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