This is a very interesting question and I have some answers so here is a thread. I'll give examples in the next tweets:
1-Trending meme
2-Complaisant statement as if it was a hot take
3-"poll" but without the poll function: RTs/Favs/comments
5-Ask for opinions
1-Trending meme
You want to use the latest, most trendy meme. Today it might be "when the imposter is sus" for example. Consider placing it in the replies of a bigger account, making sure you're the first one to reply so people will see it when they click on the tweet.
2-Complaisant statement as if it was a hot take
Something like "I know I'm not going to get people to like me here, but for real, can't we just STOP poverty??? It doesn't make any sense, we're all people here???"
3-"poll" but without the poll function: RTs/Favs/comments
Something like "OK people let's settle this once and for all: who's the best Pokémon? Comment for Pikachu, RT for Mew, Fav for Lugia!"
Find *ANY* excuse to do a giveaway, like some imaginary number of follower milestone, or a birthday, or an event, anything to do a giveaway. You can giveaway a drawing/3D Art, some game item, or maybe a steam game code... Anyway people need to follow you and RT to win
5-Ask for opinions
Something really trivial you don't really care about, but you know people are somewhat passionate about. Like
"Hey guys what's you're favorite pyro secondary? Mine is the stock axe cause blablabla"
"OK tell me do you think spy is REALLY OP? I mean he do blabla"
You can follow @Haitiu.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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