What Did NBS do to help rig the Election?
NBS just like the Electoral Commission were the only two bodies allowed to Tally the Previously concluded elections.
This wasn't accidental basing on the ownership of NBS and the Appointment of the Electoral Commission even the blind can
see that they serve the same Master. So to ensure that this power is concentrated in only these two bodies Police started raiding and arresting anyone else who tried to establish a Tally Center,So after this was done the whole country was left dependant and gullible to what these
Two had to say due the internet shutdown and lack of options.The Major role of NBS was to psychologically prepare the public for bad News which would help justify the Rubbish Electoral Commission was to announce later on and they really overworked them selves
This was executed by "getting" results from Musevenis strongholds and giving him a 70% of the total votes cast at the very start of their Next Media Tally Center broadcast yet at that point no one really knew the total votes cast.They received results from Kiruhura before getting
Those of Naguru where there Head Quarters are stationed,Mildred with her Weasle like voice with a smile on her face busy feeding the public cooked up numbers and at the end of it all referring them to the EC,If we have to wait for the EC to confirm what uo saying then bitch STFU
You become useless at that point,As NBS was cooking up what to feed the masses their reporters on ground who had posted what appeared to be credible results were asked to take them down as it would conflict with what was being broadcasted.Bobi Wine gained 1 million votes plus but
he was for some reason stuck on 28% for over 12 hours,They started calling MP races where NRM candidates had terribly lost but President Museveni had Miraculously won.Okumanya bekaza some reporters who were calling in were saying different results from those being broadcasted.
So most people after seeing Museveni in a 69% lead they gave up hope and hoped for the worst and that was mission accomplished for the Propaganda Command Center,Then Electoral Commission declared and with the heavy deployment no one could oppose and just like that
Electoral Commission imposed a President on us but they have failed to explain how they were getting results and the best we got from their ICT guy was that they had their own internet which doesn't use the internet.Its two weeks and they have still failed to explain how they
Arrived at the numbers,they are so in the corner that they have posted that the Election was out of 103% and that Katumba got more votes than Bobi Wine in some areas yet Declaration forms state otherwise
In conclusion This Propaganda scheme didn't include the Samson Kasumba's of this world it was within the top management,EC and the Regime..Kasumba ye ayagala kusanyusa Boss we but we shouldn't attack these guys getting 1k per story they didn't know anything they are just as..
Oppressed as all of us.On the other hand Electoral Commission arrived at the total number of votes cast without including 1200 polling stations in Kampala and Wakiso areas with over 2 million plus voters where NRM is weak(Isn't God great)
If I go missing tell Canary to come with a Tape Measure and they do an Investigative Story on My Disappearance
I don't have a Degree in psychology,I just watch alot of Scandal and I have a bit of a Legal Education so I can put 1 and 1 together nenfuna 2,I watched NBS the whole time which means I can't be wrong when I say it was deliberate
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