I have a theory and I highly advise everyone with fresh USD to go buy bitcoin

I have 2 major reasons for it:

The Biden administration has been vehemently pro vaccination and has put the vaccination drive on turbo right now.
This means that the US is gaining first priority to immunize it's pops rn and return things to normal.

Now, combine that with 2 facts:
• The first being, the USD, after the abolition of the gold standard, has been the basis to all international currencies and forex transactions
• The second being, the US has been printing USD like crazy as stimulus for the virus.

Now there is a reason why we aren't seeing hyperinflation.
First let me break down what usually affects inflation:
Disclaimer: I will not go into detail as to WHY they affect inflation, just Google it it's pretty easy

1. Industrial output. i.e. how much goods and services are being produced in a nation. It is down because of covid, this decreases inflation
2. Employment, down because of covid, decreases inflation
3. Money supply (very very much up) increases inflation
4. Velocity of money, how much money is ACTUALLY BEING CIRCULATED in the economy,(down cuz people are being conservative fiscally conservative), decreases inflation
Now bear in mind that 1,2 and 4 are cancelling 3 massively (although we can still see a slight rise in other currencies like the EUR due to the money printing)

However, that's all going to change as soon as the US population gains herd immunity to covid.
With 1, 2 and 4 going back up and no clear way to control 3 (except with taxes but that's probably just going to curb inflation rather than nullify it), this means hyperinflation is DEFINITELY coming to the USD.
Now, usually when that happens, bank runs occur and asset purchases happen, where people remove their money from banks and cash and buy stocks, assets and other currencies.

Which would USUALLY mean that stocks would go up, which is great for the economy.
HOWEVER there is an ongoing class war between retail traders (people like us) and billionaires and hedge funds in the stock market.
This will likely cause regulations to be put on the little guys in the stock market, reducing the purchasing power in stocks of people in the market
What does this mean?

People will go invest in other assets when inflation comes:

Thre broadly available options are now real estate, precious (gold and silver), and most importantly imo, currencies, specifically crypto currencies

I predict bitcoin will soar massively before 2022, and implore anyone to buy it.

Rant over lads, hope I helped

Let me know what you think about it
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