It looks like the military will again try to "discipline" Myanmar's democracy with one aim being to increase the military's electoral popularity. It probably won't work this time, either.
The last period of overt military rule saw severe repression of the opposition, activists fleeing to safety in Thailand (not a good option anymore), and ultimately an election that confirmed that the military was about as unpopular as it was 25 years prior.
Maybe they're banking on the NLD being too personalist and having a shelf life given that Aung San Suu Kyi is 75 years old. By most accounts she didn't take party building measures that could have broadened the NLD's competence.
But even if the NLD loses support over the medium-long term, it's not at all clear that such support would swing to the USDP. The military would have to warp the country's institutions even more than it already has to achieve even the appearance of popular legitimacy.
We've seen this movie before. If they actually do this the NLD will win again, handily.
TV stations blocked in Myanmar
Pro-military thugs beating people up
Part of a good thread by @Rymegan - the puzzling thing is that the military had *plenty* of evidence to understand its own lack of popularity. It just couldn't or didn't want to learn that fact.
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