Murray River Open.
The river has other, older names. In Ngarrindjeri it is Millewa, the Yorta Yorta people call it Tongala. It is the longest river in Australia, and the 3rd longest navigable river in the world after the Amazon and the Nile.
Gippsland Trophy.
It's very hard to sum up Gippsland because it's a massive area. There's snow on Mount Baw Baw, acres and acres of national parks, 90 Mile Beach, the lakes, the farmlands, more vineyards. It's the ancestral homelands of the five clans of the Gunaikurnai people.
Great Ocean Road Open.
It's a road, it's along the ocean, and it's great. It was built by returned WW1 soldiers over the course of 13 years (1919-1932) and dedicated to their lost comrades and is heritage listed as the world's largest war memorial. It also looks like this -
There's so much I left out, but it's a start. They're beautiful and special places, and they've been through a great deal. Put some respect on their names.
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