here is a thread containing my thoughts on mouse hunt (1997)
i liked the part where the mouse tucked itself into its tiny mouse bed, and also the part where they pour out the cheerios and the mouse falls into the bowl and its sitting in the bowl eating a cheerio. the rest was bad
i did not like that the brothers became friends with the mouse at the end. this would not have happened because they destroyed the mouse's home and were very mean to the mouse and tried to kill the mouse
there was a lot of property damage in this film which was very stressful to watch. however, i imagine it was even more stressful for the mouse, who lived there
if christopher walken knew so much about mice, he should have known to make friends with the mouse
the mouse graphics were good, but used poorly. there should have been a lot more scenes where the mouse eats cereal and sleeps
the director of this film also directed the ring (2002). even though i did not enjoy it, i do think that this film was much scarier than the ring
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