Hearing @elonmusk talk about how busy he is, trying to figure out how to make everything work... makes it clear that he’s winging it just like the rest of us.

I don’t know if I’ll ever stop needing to be reminded of this: everyone is doing this life thing for the first time.
We love to put people on pedestals, to compare ourselves, to feel like *we* could never do X or Y.

Humans can be petty, selfish, cynical and hopeless. But we can also be generous, heroic, impactful, and inspiring.
And if that’s the case, maybe we all ought to be a little more of our own biggest fans? Why can’t you do something great with your life, defined however you so please?

The race is long, and in the end it’s only with yourself. So why not make it great?
Alright, back to your regularly scheduled cynical, hopefully somewhat funny programming. Good night 😅
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