Guys he's fucking useless give it up.
Let me get this straight: Now Starmer can't get ahead *because* of the pandemic? So when, eventually, vaccination begins to make an impact, *that's* when Labour will get ahead? Countries rally around the government in a pandemic? Weird, I missed Trump's triumphant re-election.
And I have some more bad news: Johnson isn't Trump, and Starmer certainly isn't Biden.
Nobody ever talks about this: Starmer is a political newbie. His skillset is promoting himself within an organisation and purging opponents. But what has he offered voters? On COVID he's just aped government mistakes. Otherwise he's made weird, offensive choices like Spycops.
So, you know, maybe that's why he's "stalled". That and reducing the party to penury by needlessly insulting and alienating its members. But that's Starmer's MO: Protecting his position at all costs. And Labour will be lumbered with him for a long, long time.
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