Let me help you with this my friend. There's plenty of evidence. Your favourites, who like to block me, must not be lazy to read widely.

Assist you and other who are mislead by your favourites, here's 🧵 showing you evidence of mask: https://twitter.com/BrianBlack3/status/1356026329653772288
1. Since COVID-19 is respiratory disease, so respiratory particles become the primary route of its transmission. These are spread from presymptomatic, paucisymptomatic, and asymptomatic individuals...
2. It goes without saying that blocking of those particles, through masks, reduces transmission. Evidence indicates that maskwearing reduces transmissibility by reducing transmission of infected respiratory particles in both laboratory and clinical contexts..
3. Masks in public is the most effective at reducing spread of the virus. Now, I need to add a qualifier there and say: if the public complies with the practice. If compliance is low, masks won't work. And I suspect your favourites missed that part...
4. If you read: A Treatise on Pneumonic Plague (League of Nations, Health Organization, 1926), pp. 373-398, by Wu, you'll know that cloth masks are “the principal means of personal protection” during an airborne pandemic...
5. Non-pharmaceutical interventions (including wearing of masks) were associated with reduced transmission of COVID-19 in Hong Kong, and are also likely to have substantially reduced influenza transmission in early February, 2020... https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanpub/article/PIIS2468-2667(20)30090-6/fulltext
7. This Beijing study found that face masks were 79% effective in preventing transmission, IF they were used by all household members prior to symptoms occurring.
Again here, COMPLIANCE with masks wearing rule is key...
9. So, don't ever be mislead by ANYONE saying masks do not WORK, without providing credible evidence.
Mask wearing, disinfection and social distancing are effective in breaking the transmission of COVID-19...
10. Had we started using masks and 100% compliance as early as March, I strongly believe we wouldn't have lost as many lives as we have.

So, delays by the country's leadership and non-compliance by citizens has led us to where we are.
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