#DezNat tonight I will teach you about ZION
There is this pernicious idea that Zion, or the Pure in Heart, who are of One Heart and One Mind, is a place where we've all become so kind and gentle we don't fight because we all believe the same things. Get this out of your heads
This is based on a theory of what hearts are and what minds are that is far from your own personal experience - hearts and minds experience turmoil! they achieve peace by reconciling what they can and tolerating what they can't. Cognitive dissonance is a blessing.
A Zion society, of one heart and one mind, is NOT a hivemind society, it's a society where ideas are exchanged completely freely. If you build a group where people outwardly agree on things but never care to open their mouths to check that's a gross parody of Zion
Zion is the OPPOSITE of this - Zion is the Lack of Filters. Zion is a people willing to both speak their entire minds and accept that of their brothers, willing to risk offense and willing to refuse it! And as the Saints are perfected the risk of offense and contention drops.
Under this definition is #DezNat a Zion society? lol. We've got the first part, we're doing better than the stereotypical catty Utah ward, but the reason our internal -ites offend the Lord isn't because they exist or even because they argue, it's because they don't.
Some among you have issues with me. I know this because you blocked me. Sometimes I block back, usually as a totem against reports but sometimes because you won't engage with me but you will flood my TL. Very rarely will you ask a mutual friend to mediate! Why is this?
And those in the Cringe Mormie Faction who I've beefed with the most are lions to outsiders and lambs within. Come on. "hahahaha we don't have to be NICE" when it's some rando prog and "ohhh sorry Jesse what would YOU like me to do" when it's me. disgusting.
I want your hearts and minds, I want you to give each other your hearts and minds, I want people to set goals and make plans about sharing their hearts and minds. I don't want passive-aggressive slapfights, I don't want withdrawal, I want SPIRITUAL PANKRATION to the other side.
and if, after all this, your thought is "weeeelll I like your methods they're just not for me let's just live and let live" without an attempt to defend your methods then yeah I don't care anymore, we can try again another time.

over and out.
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