JavaScript Utilities 🔧

This is a collection of useful code snippets that I use over and over.

Maybe they're useful to you as well.
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Create a unique string.
Great for quickly creating unique IDs.

Generate a random number in a range.
If you need to generate a random number between a minimum and maximum value.

Generate a number range.
It's one of the cool inbuilt utility functions in Python, but unfortunately, we're missing this in JavaScript.

Get the last item of either an Array, Set, Map or object.
Great for quickly accessing the last item dynamically without having to make any transformation.

Inserting, replacing, and removing items in a list is one of the things we do over and over.

I have these helpers (in TypeScript) that I use everywhere.

Create a deep clone of an object.
It does exactly what you would expect - creating a copy of an object, without any pointers to the original object.

Deep Freeze an object.
If you enjoy working with immutable JavaScript, this utility function is really handy.

If you've been working with the AWS SDK for Node.js, you probably know that the DynamoDB client returns entries in a quite annoying format.

Use this utility function to unwrap it into a normal-shaped object.

Sometimes you end up with a lot of Providers in React.
It can make your root component quite nested and hard to read.

Use this utility function to combine a list of Providers into a single Provider.

Working with async state updates in React often includes a bit of boilerplate.

I created this custom hook to deal with async state.
It optionally supports Recoil atoms as well.

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