Oh wait! It’s the same IMF where 76 out of 91 IMF loans -- 84 per cent - negotiated with 81 countries is calling for austerity. /2
In Ecuador, healthcare and burial services collapsed in April, yet the government has been advised by the IMF to backtrack on increases in healthcare spending and stop cash transfers to people unable to work. The loan includes cuts to fuel subsidies which poor people rely on. /3
14 countries including Barbados, El Salvador, Lesotho and Tunisia are likely to freeze or cut public sector wages and jobs, which could mean lower quality of healthcare and fewer nurses, doctors and community workers in countries already short of healthcare staff. /4
Nine countries including Angola, Nigeria and Malawi are likely to introduce or increase the collection of value-added taxes (VAT), which apply to everyday products like food, clothing and household supplies, and fall disproportionately on poor people. /5
Stimulus for developed countries.
Austerity for developing countries.

Laughs in deepening intra and inter country inequalities.

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