1. Today is the beginning of LGBT+ History Month.

We will be sharing some information throughout the month and, of course, please feel free to share further historical LGBT+ related knowledge. Please comment respectfully throughout.
2. Flags! They create an important symbolism, and where used appropriately, represent everyone's inclusivity and diversity throughout the world.
3. The Progress Pride Flag was created in June 2018 by Daniel Quasar from Oregon.
It is inspired by the original rainbow Pride flag which was created in 1978 by Gilbert Baker who was urged by Harvey Milk (one of the first openly Gay elected official in the US)  to create a symbol
4. of Pride for the Gay community.  The Philadelphia Pride Flag was also created more recently in 2017.
The Progress Pride Flag has (similar to the Philadelphia Pride flag pictured) added black and brown (arrow shaped) stripes to symbolize the progress made, and further needed,
5. regarding inclusivity of people of colour in the LGBTQ+ community and wider.
It also has added light pink and light blue arrow shaped) stripes, representing the progress made, and further needed, regarding inclusivity of the trans community in the LGBT+ community and wider.
6. All the flags are mainly seen in Pride parades or raised up on building flag poles for Pride month and LGBT history month. They are a symbol of unity and support.
7. "It all goes back to the first moment of the first flag back in 1978 for me. Raising it up and seeing it there blowing in the wind for everyone to see. It completely astounded me that people just got it, in an instant like a bolt of lightning -
8. that this was their flag. It belonged to all of us..."

- Gilbert Baker

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