Combining two of my favorite interests in a wildly self indulgent thread tonight...

Succession as Old Hollywood actors! 🌴🎬💋
Christopher Plummer as Logan Roy

- Excellent at playing overbearing fathers
- Genuinely terrifying
- Truly capable of the power and authority that someone needs to play Logan
Jimmy Stewart as Kendall Roy

- Look at him was always going to be him
- Just watch Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
- Excellent at the everyman but also can bring the emotional gravitas needed
- Hot but like in a slightly off way
Donald O'Connor as Roman Roy

- Class clowns through and through
- Adorable holy terrors
- Excellent comedic timing and he just has the mannerisms but also the emotional depth to pull off Roman
Katharine Hepburn as Shiv Roy

- Redheads <3
- There's a scene in The Philadelphia Story where Katharine's character just says quietly, "I don't want to be worshipped, I want to be loved" and I can't get it out of my head
- Knows how to hang in a boy's world
Paul Newman as Connor Roy

- Paul just like lived Connor's dream life, doing self indulgent projects and getting really into health food and sponsoring politicians and race car drivers
- Did a lot of films hanging out in the desert
- I just like him
William Powell as Tom Wambsgans

- Ultimate Wife Guy
- The man genuinely made a career out of being a wife guy you cannot get much more Tom than that
- I can see Tom with the mustache
Rock Hudson as Greg Hirsch

- The tallest man in old Hollywood, I am not kidding
- Conventionally attractive and good at playing Greg's brand of kinda dumb kinda sweet??
Barbara Stanwyck as Gerri Kellman

- My favorite actress and my favorite character <3
- Gerri needs to be played by someone who radiates get-shit-done, life-put-together energy
- I think she would enjoy calling someone a slime puppy
- Eyebrows!!!!
Edmund Gwenn as Frank

- Energy of being the kindest person in any room
- Also I think they have a resemblance
Natalie Wood as Willa Ferrerya

- Theatre kid energy OFF THE CHARTS
- They have the exact same vibe I do not know what it is but they are the same person
Grace Kelly as Tabitha

- Known for being the most beautiful person in the room at any time
- Grace gave up everything to marry a prince, Tabitha is giving up her sanity to tag along on Roy family vacations. One of these things seems more desirable than the other.
Ingrid Bergman as Marcia

- Not American which I think is very sexy of her
- Known as one of the most glamorous leading women of her time
- Quiet and understated strength to most of her films, I think she could master Marcia's subtlety well
That's all for tonight but there are a few more characters I want to add in the near future after I've given it more thought!

Shoutout to @gerrikellmans & @vinnydanieI for some suggestions!
Also, disclaimer that these people were not all the right ages at the same time for this because I KNOW someone will point it out. I know. It's just for fun.
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