🪴polite ways to enforce boundaries 🪴
you can:
- tell them you will get back to them at a later time
- get comfortable with saying “i’m not sure when i’ll be free”
- express “i’m taking a break from texting”
- exclaim “unfortunately i do not have the capacity for this right now”
if you feel guilty whenever you enforce a boundary, even politely, try to understand why that is. why does putting your health before others cause you so much discomfort? were you conditioned to put everyone else’s needs before your own?
realizing the reason behind why you do certain behaviors can help you change them if you so desire. enforcing boundaries relieves pressure off of yourself. if they press you for an exact time of your return, understand you don’t owe them that...
even if they are your loved ones, knowing your exact schedule is a privilege and not a requirement. you don’t have to extend that pressure to a later time with them, if you don’t want to. get comfortable with saying no to people.
ppl jokingly victimize themselves too like “oh are you running from me? am i too much for you? ofc i am” trying to playfully guilt trip. you don’t have to take the bait. stand your ground & simply repeat yourself. “that’s not the case at all, i do wish you well but right now...”
at times we fail to enforce boundaries because we either don’t know how to, never felt the need to before or fear the confrontation aspect of it. we don’t want people to feel rejected or abandoned but that’s not what you’re doing to them & you can’t control how people feel.
another reason why enforcing boundaries goes right over our heads is because we don’t realize this person who we love so much & have known for so long, could be the reason for why we feel so drained. it’s never happened before so it can be a shocking & delayed reaction.
being a good friend who is present, means being present when you’re at your best. if you are drained or annoyed with this person bc your body feels strange & is trying to tell you that you need space, you won’t be able operate at your best for them. then resentment grows.
there is a whole domino effect that comes when you don’t take care of yourself. learn how to be a good friend to yourself and watch how much better of a friend you can be to others. take care of you. you have standards. your energy is precious. no one has a gun to your head.
we sometimes take on way too much of other peoples problems & baggage when we really should just be focusing on our own for the moment. before you know it, you’re back in your room too anxious to study or do homework or do your hair bc of the fuckery you engaged with earlier.
it’s just... some food for thought. i’ve recently realized what boundaries i had to set with some people in my life & the way my body has felt since i’ve implemented them has me on cloud 9. so i had to share. i hope your honor yourself moving forward. you deserve it.
made a cute shareable post on instagram as usual. (: go check it out

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