On Tumblr around 2012-2014 therr was a member of the #otherkin community, some of you might remember Draven, claiming to be a proud pedo. Obvs some of us took objection to this, others defended them in the basis of lack of action. They still talked about it frequently>>
They also started denying it at one point after they got too much backlash. They also harassed me for nearly two years, and decides to pin me as the reason they didnt get therapy. This seems, quite frankly, very similar to what some people are doing here and now.
You have a paraphilia that you have centered your entire identity around. Inatead of seeing a therapist or seeking a support group, you blame everyone else whos condemning your actions/using it as a cover to push more people onto your side. Having a paraphilia is no ones fault
And people w/ paraphilias deserve resources like support groups. However actively hiding people who or encouraging people to act on the paraphilia is NOT a support group.
And it is NO ONE ELSES fault if you decide to actually fuck a dog. You are using that as an excuse to justify what is a literal felony in many places.
#otherkin #otherkintwt #therian people w/ paraphilias deserve help and space to talk but your entire identity should not revolve around that thing nor should anyone be giving actual animal fuckers a pass
Also, BY DEFFINITION, a paraphilia is not a sexual orientation. Pls stop comparing wanting to fuck a dog to being gay. Regardless of identity, your body is biologically human.
It was beyond shitty, me and the handful of people who actively tried to make them leave had to team up w/ fucking antikin blogs to try and run them out lets not do that this time
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