Re: @Hannahgadsby's Douglas: "In this show I will show you my #autistic brain."

" seems that mainstream critics can’t recognise our work as #AutisticCulture, or are reluctant to write about it because they lack knowledge. Others simply practice #ableism." - @SoniaBoue
"Underpinning this critical vacuum is the 'double empathy bind,' a term coined by Dr. Damian Milton, which refers to the emotional no-man’s land between #autistic and non-autistic people."

"As @JennyValentish writes, 'The burden of talking about complex issues usually comes down to the most marginalised people.'"

"The importance of Gadsby's work for autistic people in witnessing embodied representation, at a global level, is immeasurable and a thing of utter joy."
Also feels like a good time to reshare this great thread from @MxBadgerNorth on #AutisticCulture! 🧵
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