nsfw text /
"all transformation media is inherently a kink" so are all werewolf stories porn now?? is PMD nsfw now??? something's only sexual if you make it that yourself. Transformation has been a concept humans have been fascinated by for centuries in storytelling.
and aside from the fact that i'm autistic and transformation is my special interest which I have been fascinated by SINCE I WAS LITERALLY 4 YEARS OLD have you considered that some people.... do things... for fun? not everything has to revolve around kinks people just have hobbies
Something is only sexual if a) it was made to be sexualized from the start or b) if you sexualize it yourself. Going onto people's SFW tf stuff and labeling it as sexual is fucking weird??? and it's super uncomfortable for the artist?? ESPECIALLY if they're a minor
It's like choker necklaces, they're only sexual if you make it so for yourself. Going up to people who wear chokers as accessories and saying "that's kink gear" is really fucking weird and makes the person extremely uncomfortable??
lmao apologies for the sudden rant as TF is my special interest I can get EXTREMELY heated when people say weird shit like this because it makes me INCREDIBLY uncomfortable when people try to label my special interest as something nsfw
anyway if you look at clearly SFW transformation art and immediately think it's sexual I think that's a you problem and you shouldn't shift the blame to artists who just wanna do this shit as a hobby
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