THREAD on why $12M MC $DEUS ( @DeusDao) (1) bonding curve💹 (2) secondary reinsurance/collateralization layer $DEA 🍣 (3) transitory in-house oracle🔌 (4) long/short AMM📈📉 make it a big $MIR ( @mirror_protocol) competitor as DeFi @RobinhoodApp to trade #SyntheticAssets👇
(2/6) Similar to $NXM insurance pool, $ETH contributed to $DEUS bonding curve 📈 goes into a #collateralization pool for #dAssets minting! (instead of insurance)

Each #dAsset traded on @DeusDao will push $DEUS price up the bonding curve! (Similar to $NXM cover premium)
@mirror_protocol individual-based minting 🧍‍♀️is limiting its mAssets liquidity.

@DeusDao pool-based minting👭👬👫 solves this by coupling $DEUS price directly with platform adoption & TVL:

$DEUS 📈 > $ETH pool📈 > #dAssets minting capacity📈 > #dAssets liquidity📈 > TVL📈
$DEA is the second reinsurance/collateralization token to make sure the protocol is always overcollateralized.

Again, this will boost minting capacity, liquidity, & TVL📈

I expect $DEA MC to be 1/5 $DEUS MC once market price discovery finishes its thing in coming months.
@DeusDao in-house oracles enable the protocol to list hundreds of #dAssets, while waiting @chainlink oracles to go live.

This makes @DeusDao very scalable at the early stage of its progressive decentralization. https://twitter.com/deusdao/status/1354116640833740801
The coolest feature is you can use its @Uniswap-like AMM to long/short a $dAsset! 📈📉

You can even trade Futures (IOUs), e.g. @coinbase, @Bakkt futures!!

For more info, visit https://wiki.deus.finance/docs/  https://twitter.com/deusdao/status/1344018887990509572
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