Out there in the bubble I'm sure Nicola Sturgeon thinks women like me are in a very small minority. I'm sure she thinks we are just the 'awkward squad' as I think some in the party were described. Well, you got that second one right. Many of us were feminists before you were
born, fought for the Sex Discrimination Act the Equal Pay Act, the Disability Discrimination Act, started Womens Aid groups and refuges, Rape Crisis Centres from nothing, fought for gay and lesbian rights, had the babies, held down the jobs while bringing up the kids, cared for
relatives, held the fort during the miners strike, held communities together, voted for women like you because we believed sex mattered, that women mattered, the female sex mattered. But now YOU tell us all it takes to be a woman is a feeling and that we're transphobes for saying
no, saying no to the word sex disappearing, the word woman meaning anyone who says they are, saying no to not having boundaries and privacy and safety. I said months ago there would be a reckoning. Looks like it's not far off, sad to say. You'll be fine. But what about the women?
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