Bad vibes in our country for a while now, but the last few days it hasn’t got worse - we are just hearing more of what has been going on in this godforsaken, secretive, corrupt party of folk with below average intelligence. It’s led by a woman who would step over anyone for >
2/ power & self promotion. Never has U.K. coronavirus update justified/compared numbers of our dead, but every day Sturgeon almost chokes if stats show she could be falling behind England. It’s numbers you see, as long as England is worse - she can relax. Last night the feeling>
3/ of despair and disgust about this corrupt administration on Twitter was palpable. Sturgeon must be protected. She has 40 SPADS. rU.K. has 10. Those who DO for her have recently been rewarded. Leslie Evans - contract extended. Liz Lloyd £20k rise - RISE! She recently tweeted>
4/ having a go at PM for visiting U.K. to thank soldiers and staff re the U.K. vaccine distribution. She should be sacked. As a SPAD she must not do this. Sturgeon gets her tiny people to shout about PM’s visit, yet when D.C. Collins >
5/ a Nat business sent many of his trucks to London to complain about the fish as a SNP PR exercise - sod all. All these trucks! Sturgeon is a Ned and her administration is a cesspit of wrongdoings. She has got away with it with the help of a benign Press and lightweight>
6/ Opposition. Now, tho it’s looking criminal. Salmond thing is just part of it - putting pressure on a woman to testify, women who didn’t want the police involved were overridden by Evans - her with the Pearl necklace. There are many women around Sturgeon yet those women used>
7/ these women as weapons to put Salmond away allegedly. Then there’s all this money not used and sitting there. Money put towards Indy ref costs - while houses not built, drug rehab money cut, awww could go on. The hate there is for this woman from still the majority of us is>
8/ palpable. Decent people on here different politics see what’s going on. See the rallying of those who used to sit home and hate their lot. Sturgeon and Salmond before her gave them our U.K. and WM. to hate instead. First time in many of their lives they have a hobby - hate!>
9/ Oh how they are loving it - these silly people, many of whom you wouldn’t entertain. Mhairi Hunter called some of them ‘Trash’ Said trash were useful to the cause. The core of it. Just look at the SNP MPs in WM - thick and embarrassing. In Holyrood - clapping seals. >
10/ The lunatics (despise that word usually) truly are running the asylum. I tender that if justice is not done soon then it is the duty of WM to protect still the majority and save the simple minded from themselves. Let’s hope natural justice comes out on top🙏🏻
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