Solar Wind Farms. The Frequency emitted is dangerous to humans/animals. Government gives tax credits/loans, to "Big corporations". Costs taxpayers hundreds of "BILLIONS" Warren Buffet said " We get a tax credit if we build a lot of wind farms" It's all about the MONEYđź’°
The frequency a wind turbine emits is called 'Infrasound" it is "inaudible" 10 hertz and lower. People/animals living near these have heart, lung, vision, brain, cancer issues. Animals reported to have reproductive issues/stillbirths
These Wind Turbines are toxic, being placed in landfills and not recyclable. The government/media hide stories and studies about adverse effects on the people/animals w/in a 75 mile radius of these turbines.
The wind turbines being built in the ocean create infrasound underwater. Whales, dolphins, fish species are found dying, and not reproducing in these areas. Large number birds, bees/insects die off reported.
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