The UK government are holding a consultation on whether to create guidance promoting single-sex toilets (&removing gender neutral)in England in the middle of a pandemic. They don’t mention trans ppl once, instead focussing on single sex space protection 
Please email them if you can and (a) emphasise the need to consider safety for trans and nonbinary people (b) state that gender neutral cubicles do not pose an increase threat to safety as they are cubicles (c) that more work needs to be done to make toilets safe for ALL ppl
(D) that gender inclusive language is not a threat to anyone, indeed supports safety for all protected by the Equality Act.
Successful alternatives exist in addition to gender neutral single cubicles like these signs from BC, Canada
Also: please note that this is a consultation not a petition therefore copy & paste answers are likely to be thrown out. A consultations purpose is to collect evidence rather than to measure # of responses so I’d urge anyone using a template to re-write a letter in your own words
Here's a template e.g. from @weexistlondon (thanks for sharing @JuniperLovelace) but please please please re-word and add personal details/stories if you can. Copy and paste submissions in a consultation mean next to nothing I'm afraid.
You can follow @NMRLPH.
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