I don’t think instructors understand how important accessibility is to differently-abled learners. If you’re teaching on a regular basis: shell out the $ for live transcription/CC. There are also FREE options! 1/
There have also been complaints in a class I was taking where the chat room was seen as distracting (it can be, yes) but also selectively moderated towards older, white bodies— while Black and Brown folx have been silenced. You need bias training. 2/
Step back and review your lecture slides to understand if these examples are looking critically at their narratives! @sfreynolds has honestly done this SO well in classes and I admire him as a teacher bc of that. Others have lacked in this dept... 3/
...and if you’re going to use potentially problematic figures, accept that people are going to point out and think critically. Don’t call your space apolitical when existing for everyone IS political. If you come from that mentality, examine your privilege. 4/
If this type of criticism and feedback jars you— maybe it’s time for you to re-examine the way you’ve structured your teaching and lectures and who you’ve hired/work with and make sure they also go thru training to correct for those unconscious or VERY conscious biases. 5/
As someone who is a queer, disabled Filipinx, I have learned to advocate for myself and people around me. Some people aren’t as outspoken as me but a lot of you need to take this feedback and utilise it in your next classes. /END/
I want to add that @PDXAstroSchool has added live closed captioning and transcription to their lectures and I *truly* appreciate it.
You can follow @christaleisays.
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