Tomorrow will be an emotional day. It has been the honour of my career to work with @LDNairamb looking after Londoner’s when they need us.

I don’t even know where to start but these are a few random thoughts

@LDNairamb @Ldn_Ambulance @NHSBartsHealth @HEMSRLH
The team at London HEMS is incredible. The fire crew, helipad staff, charity team, patient liaison nurse, PRU, pilots, paramedics, consultants and fellow Consultants.

A passionate group of dedicated people - thank you for teaching me so much over the last 6 months

The power of the London system is the phenomenal patients - what an honour to help. In addition I have learnt to care for the sickest patients I’ve ever encountered & do interventions only possible in London due to @IofPHC and those that have gone before.
People often ask what the best thing is I’ve seen. I ignore them.

The best thing is the relationship with your team mate - the paramedics.

The @Ldn_Ambulance APPs & @LDNairamb HEMS Paramedics have extreme clinical acumen and unrivalled communication skills. Awesome team.
Supporting each other as colleagues is essential when attending the rawest of scenes with unrivalled levels of emotion.

Tricky with pubs closed during this pandemic.

Don’t underestimate the power of debriefing & we all have different needs. Can’t be one size fits all.
It’s ok not to be ok. It’s ok to shed a tear on the way back from difficult jobs.

We are human and we are caring for other humans. Other humans who have loving families.

Keeping it real is important. @LDNairamb
The wider emergency services team in London is fantastic. Working together is an honour. The skills of all the services is enhanced when we coordinate and collaborate.

@Ldn_Ambulance @LDNairamb @MPSFirearms @metpoliceuk @LondonFire @LAS_HART @NHSBartsHealth @999London
Working for @LDNairamb isn’t about flying around London in a red helicopter. It is to get the advanced trauma team to the sickest patients in the capital

For me it’s about the patient however we get to them

All made possible by the charity @LDNairamb and its amazing volunteers
Completing a 6 month London HEMS secondment is a culmination of a load of hard years of graft.

Was it easy - no.
Was it worth it - absolutely.
Would I do it again - in a heartbeat.

Prehospital care will hopefully remain part of my longer term consultant job!!
Thank you & see you again soon everyone @LDNairamb

I’m excited and fortunate to be moving to @airambulancekss later this week to start a 12 month secondment. So much to learn from a similar yet very different system. Looking forward to this next challenge 👍😊
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