unlearning, de-programming, or re-educating...it doesn’t matter what you call it, it must happen for any hard fought revolution to truly be won.
particularly, white settlers will need to let go of that white supremacy & settler-colonialism that makes them so secure. otherwise, socialism will never touch these shores.
if white “radicals” are afraid of unlearning their violent settler-colonialist, patriarchal, & white supremacist patterns of being, they will be obstacles to liberation.
we are mentally conditioned to accept settler-colonial logics & our thinking is shaped in ways that will protect white supremacist outcomes.

a large scale war between the capitalist class & the working masses will not fix this reality.

work will still be necessary.
only by elevating black + native people & centering their struggles against the racial capitalism order will we all gain revolutionary freedom.

only then is class solidarity possible.
revolutionary freedom requires the decarceration of all human cages, decolonization of indigenous lands, & de-programming from settler-colonial thinking.

this isn’t rocket science.
lastly, anyone who denies the existence of indigenous & new afrikan nations within the united states is carrying water for white supremacy.
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