Western media has always portrayed American Indians as having violent practices of scalping, beheading, mutilating of corpses, & displays of corpses. Ironically this is not only false but was an extremely common practice among settlers, often just for their own enjoyment.
In what is now known as Massachusetts, Metacom (Wampanoag sachem) was beheaded by the settlers & his head was displayed on a pole in Plymouth for 25 years. You read that right, 25 YEARS!! From the very beginning settlers relished in these violent sadistic practices.
Later, during the US campaigns of violence against the people of the prairies, Thaóyate Dúta (Dakota) was scalped, his body dragged in the streets of Hutchinson, MN, lit firecrackers placed inside his head, & then his mutilated remains were displayed in the MN Historical Society.
When we talk about "violent tendencies", let's begin with what has been unequivocally a sickening settler obsession with violence. It is a culture that relishes the chance to kill & mutilate. That's why it can't stop going to wars.
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