2/ In the first of (I think) four articles, the health journalist @JaneFeinmann reported from @LegendaryCClub, @MicahLiverpool and @dadshouseuk about what independent food banks have stepped up to do as the #Covid19 pandemic has hit the UK https://www.bmj.com/content/bmj/371/bmj.m4664.full.pdf
3/ In a second one, @JaneFeinmann interviewed Joyce Leggate from @kdyfoodbank and Jen Coleman from @bcfoodbank, both of whom I have learned a lot from in previous research. The piece also introduced @IFAN_UK's Cash First pilot. https://www.bmj.com/content/bmj/371/bmj.m4758.full.pdf
4/ And in early January, @JaneFeinmann wrote another excellent piece with plenty of wise words from the indefatigable @Didara of @GranComKitchen and Dr Tamara Joffe, a GP serving that community in Kilburn, on structural change https://www.bmj.com/content/bmj/372/bmj.m4959.full.pdf
5/ And then one more piece from @JaneFeinmann highlighting the academic insights of Dr Valerie Tarasuk of @proofcanada on what medics need to do to take on food insecurity, and flagging what the UK can learn from Canada's experience https://www.bmj.com/content/bmj/372/bmj.n53.full.pdf
6/ On top of these articles, credit to @bmj_latest's opinions editor @Juliet_hd, for running a really great series of invited blog pieces, bang in the middle of a major health crisis, which suddenly worsened as the fundraising got underway.
7/ The excellent @CovidRealities research team of @ruthpatrick0, @KA_Garthwaite, @madeleinepower and others' piece say it well. It shouldn't have taken a global pandemic to get us to talk about everyday hardship, but we certainly can't avoid it now. https://blogs.bmj.com/bmj/2020/12/21/covid-19-and-everyday-experiences-of-hardship-why-charitable-provision-is-not-enough/
9/ I've used the word 'indefatigable' already. So I can't use it again. There's a great piece there by the irrepressible @LindsayGrahamUK on the links between health, social security, food, poverty and a decent standard of living. https://blogs.bmj.com/bmj/2021/01/26/lindsay-graham-eradicating-food-poverty-it-is-our-duty-to-care-and-to-advocate/
11/ I was genuinely touched when @IFAN_UK Coordinator @sabineegoodwin asked me to contribute a piece on @HRW's behalf to the series, and pleased to chip in. I have learned so much from IFAN's members across the UK. https://blogs.bmj.com/bmj/2021/01/29/kartik-raj-uks-independent-food-banks-a-lifeline-in-a-year-of-crisis/
12/ Finally, I was pleased to hear that the @bmj_latest fundraiser, #TheBMJAppeal, managed at last count to raise £53K for @IFAN_UK - and I imagine more by now - paying for much needed PPE, top up of food supplies running low, and more https://www.bmj.com/content/372/bmj.n227.full.pdf
13/ It's an incredible effort. 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 @bmj_latest & @IFAN_UK. I really hope the sustained exposure of UK food poverty in a publication of this stature makes a difference in changing opinions, policies and the social welfare structures in the country. /END
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