oh wait do some people not know how insane the creator of aot is? a character was inspired by an imperial japanese general by the name of Akiyama Yoshifuru and he’s responsible for multiple atrocities during the first sino-japanese war. he looks up to this guy by the way
and yes he believes korea would be better off under japanese imperialism he got ratioed by koreans for saying that and he deserved every ounce of hate
he also openly denies the nanjing massacre, better known as the rape of nanking which was a bloodbath in nanjing china where japanese soldiers committed multiple crimes against humanity to chinese civilians
anyways theres so much more shit he did, this is all i remember and i havent even discussed most of the shit he supports and puts into his work in full. this is just scratching the surface.
most importantly listen to jewish and korean people when they say to not support aot or their creator. do not ignore them, do not tell them theyre overreacting. aot fans arent welcome here the man is insane and pro-japan. ill be muting this thread i love you guys
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