I am a founding member on a fairly popular Power Rangers podcast. And I’ve also received exactly zero “freebies” or legit recognition from anybody associated with the franchise. One time a listener of the show sent me a single ranger key. That was cool. It is what it is.
I understand I somewhat did this to myself by being “semi-anonymous,” yes. And I am not trying to sound ungrateful or selfish. Freebies would be nice, but I don’t need them. That’s not the point. It’s just sometimes I feel like I’m just...here.
And honestly, some fandom members have contributed to that feeling. I’ve been dismissed and patronized more than a few times by certain people in favor of associating with my male co-hosts. I get it. For some, I don’t think it’s intentional. But it still stings a lot.
Some prominent fandom members will go out of their way to not recognize me along with fellow female fandom members/podcasters, have threatened to “blast” me for disagreeing with them, or simply dismiss me repeatedly and make me the butt of their jokes.
I’m just done being silent about this.
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