Salim’s thread is thought provoking. In the past week many have seen the curtain pulled back hard on the issues that are an institution within hockey. Ableism, racism, white supremacy, homophobia, and white feminism which is also a form of white supremacy 1/6
One no longer can deny the truth or say we have ‘full transparency’ behind closed doors. BIPOCs who love this game have been speaking about the issues for decades. I am done with the pearl clutching and performative allies at this point. Accountability is an necessity 2/6
not an request. The general ‘enabling’ of the NHL/Hockey culture of individuals like DeAngelo to have the privilege and of course permitting players to support/espouse an toxic platform no matter whether it’s NHL/WoHo. Also the lack of accessibility due to 3/6
xxx-frankly ridiculous with the technology available and current social structure does not factor in disability period. I have been watching and observing the behaviors of many who also have the platform of privilege especially POCs who have gained position that have 4/6
been bestowed by white people. Frankly I am very disappointed in what I see. Hockey will remain the way it is with those people in position because they are ‘yes’ people while the true people who can bring much needed structure changes are shut out/silenced. No one wants to5/6
Upset the current system because they profit/benefit from it. While Individuals like me who are aware, are not given opportunities as people in power know we will rock the boat with innovation concepts that don’t benefit the old crowd. 6/6
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