
Feminism is going to be a male movement before this is all said and done, I can just feel it.

I know more anti-feminist women, than I do anti-feminist men. Most men I know that are not feminists just find them annoying, but several women have told me feminists are a genuine threat to equality, or they "can't stand" feminists.
Loving a good, honest debate, I have spoken to each woman I have met in my life that held that belief (feminist myself, after all). What I have learned is the same things I have seen in my own experience as a male feminist.
Number one reason, according to them: New age feminism teaches you that men are the problem, period. "It is a cult of man-haters," is the most common reason I hear.
While I know many men that point out FAM is a terrible man-hating cult, they almost exclusively state how much they agree with traditional feminism and agree women have it bad.
This separation from NAF and traditional feminism has not been present in a single anti-feminist female I have spoken to. Not one. Feminism= man-haters to them, and they were all too eager to cite examples.
Reason number two women have given for being anti-feminist: It's oppressive to *women*! My head spun the first time I heard this, but it is a more commonly held belief than people realize. And, I have to agree.
"They strip you of your identity and tell you what you can and can't do. They do not want to liberate women; They want to *control* women."

Some even went on to draw parallels between "the patriarchy" and feminism. The sarcasm font was their words, not mind.
Far fewer men have had this belief; again, in my experience; but this makes sense. It is a belief drawn from women's experience as a woman, and not one that gets the spotlight in conversation.
And, as much as I love lists of three or more, I sadly do not have more beliefs to share. These are by far the two biggest criticism I have heard about feminism in the course of my life, and these problems have only gotten worse.
So, how does this tie into my OT belief?

Well, women who see the red flags distance themselves from feminism completely.

Men who see the red flags still tend to agree with traditional feminism, believe women have it worse than men and want their situation to improve.
Keep in mind, *all* of this is broad- stroking generalization of first hand experiences. I know men that are woman -haters, and I know many women that are not man -haters "despite" being feminist. This thread is specifically looking at the fracture point, not current conditions.
So, with all of that said, as more equality supporting women leave the "oppressive, sexist cult" of NAF, and more men join the feminist movement as a whole, I see the male to female ratio only continuing to lean male as we continue the fight for equality.
It could very well end up being a full flip, with NAF becoming viewed by (more) women as the greatest threat to equality.

And it is certainly one of them.
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