Conflicts of Interests: Gov’t, Big Pharma/Tech, & their investors.

1/ A thread based on some info from a follower who did some digging today at a Covid testing centre in a Merseyside car park, which he did identify. I’ve then done some more myself to give some order to the info.
2/ He asked where the completed tests were sent for analysis and the girl tester would not say, and got agitated when pushed for this info. Her manager then came out and said they cannot say specifically but mentioned ‘Alderley Park’ in Cheshire....
3/ Alderley Park, is home to one of the UK’s ‘Lighthouse Labs’ and is under the guise of the ‘Medicines Discovery Catapult’ (MDC) company.
Alderley Park is ALSO home to pharma giant ASTRA ZENECA, whose former VP now works for MDC!
4/ MDC claims on its website that their findings ‘will be pivotal in informing government policy’. It just so happens in return, the UK Government invested £55 million in MDC! This is on top of another £70.6 million for the MDC’s ‘Gene Therapy Catapult’.
5/ MDC also happens to be keen to insist on their lab having found one of the ‘new variants’, suiting both themselves, as well as the UK Government, in extending the pushing of masks, tests (from which they benefit), and vacc1nations (from which Astra Zeneca benefit).
6/ Another of MDC’s funding partners, is Wellcome - a company acquired by another pharma giant, GLAXO, in 1995.
Guess who are trustees of the Wellcome Trust? - Yes...the Bill & Mel Gates Foundation!👇🏼
7/ The Bill&Mel Foundation, and Wellcome, were off the mark early with their involvement in the Covid response. Seemingly already primed and ready.
8/ Let’s look at those advising Government on current measures, and their conflicts of interests with Wellcome, AND with other pharma companies who stand to benefit from the ‘pandemic’ being dragged on further! 👇🏼
9/ Despite humanitarian pledges, this is nothing but talk, and they are very much acting as businesses for profit! That makes Astra Zeneca’s involvement with the recent ‘Terra Carta’ initiative something from which they intend to benefit financially.
10/ Terra Carta is directly linked to the WEF, and was announced at Davos, & linked to their 2030 agenda!
And one of its key supporters, second only to Bank of America....Astra Zeneca!
And somehow, the masses think the Govt & these corps. have their best interests at heart!
11/ End.
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