sadly, many don't comprehend the extent of zionist hegemony over jewish identity.

there's been an intentional, generations-long effort to make access to "israel" as the "jewish homeland" a (if not the) core tenet of the self-conception of jewishness.

it's been highly successful
the prospect of losing that access very much IS a threat to those jewish people whose selves are thus constituted.

this is not said as apologetics or as an insistence on coddling that identity or the feelings of those who hold it.

but you have to know this if you want to fight.
over and over i see this mystified and confused. "anti-zionism is NOT antisemitism!" insisted repeatedly while the opposite view becomes more and more firmly entrenched, strategically defended, legally codified.
if to be jewish is to be zionist - and for many jewish people it IS, i'm sorry and disgusted to say - then that statement, however materially correct it may be and logically irrefutable it may seem, is not an accurate one in terms of personal identity.
"so, have you discussed this bef-" LOL
oh here and there
ahh remember this one? (btw the quote tweet of austin in the thread was something supporting my point, wish i remembered what it was cuz he's really eloquent)
back in 140 character days
an old fav #PsyPalPlaysTheHits
retweeted most of these recently but this was a good thread & sparked some good discussion too (you might have to click around to find the replies)
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