[THREAD] Best ideas from marketers this week 🚀:

People should get charged every time they aimlessly throw around the words Branding or Marketing. - @JunaeBrown
People can tell when you care and when you are just growth hacking. @ThatChristinaG
Pricing strategy is moving toward empathy. We're living in a time of more transparency than ever, and aligning price with value is becoming table-stakes. - @robbylit

People don't care about your product. They care about what you can do for them. - @Dmurr68
One of the most powerful assets of a community is momentum.
It's not tangible, nor easily tracked by KPIs. Instead, it's energy created by:

• Consistency
• Valuable content
• Genuine passion

Build momentum and the community will grow itself. - @mattmaiale
Avoid using “fancy” words in your #copywriting. Fancy words are usually big. And a big word will never impress as much as a big idea, clearly expressed. - @VeryGoodCopy

Repurpose ✅ Don’t republish 🚫 - @Bonini84
Every one of us has a different experience with money. Pricing is just another way to tell your story. Be sure that your story aligns with the one your buyer is telling themselves. - @stew_hillhouse
Bet on people who move scary fast and who relentlessly try breaking out of their local maximum of ability.- @Julian

Reduce competition by playing the long game. Everyone focuses on tomorrow. Few focus on ten years from now. - @mkobach
The perception of paid acquisition as a sexy, fast way for to drive revenue is dangerous. Especially because social media ads are so simple & easy that anyone can launch & win. This mindset is a quick way to burn money and have nothing to show for it. - @ccmarce_writes
Ask for help 🙏 Remember there are some really talented people on your team. - @ManuelaBarcenas

Going for consensus instead of clear direction can add a lot more problems to a project than solutions - @CJ_250marketing
People trust people. Some marketers like to think that their audience makes a decision to buy from them based on their perfect funnel and nice ad campaign. But the truth is: There's layers to it. - @TheCoolestCool
Focus on the selfish benefit — and then work backwards. Everyone wants to increase their wealth (make more, save more) increase their status (get a promotion, get recognition). Start there. And *then* find the hook to talk about your product.- @davegerhardt
A solid marketing strategy should have elements that integrate sales and customer success functions together with marketing to focus on the full customer journey... and not stop at the MQL. - @ErinBlaskie
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